How does HR Bot automate HR operations and communication?

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According to Forrester, HR Chatbots for Employees will count for around 85% of employee interactions in the next five years.
In any organization, human resource experts play a critical role. They are in charge of maintaining and managing all aspects of staff management. Onboarding, employee engagement, learning and development, recruitment, and HR helpdesk are activities that the HR team spends time on.
The HR Bot Application saves the day. HR Chatbots are meant to do HR activities at any time of day, allowing employees to settle issues at their leisure rather than relying on the HR department. HR Bot by AppsAI streamlines and personalizes HR operations across the employment lifecycle.

How are HR chatbots advantageous throughout the employee lifecycle?

HR chatbots with natural language understanding instantly respond to employee questions, assist employees in raising issues in real-time, and streamline HR operations. The chatbot handles repetitive and routine HR procedures while the HR team focuses on significant work. It can answer questions and give employees self-service 24/7. HR Bot’s conversations allow for more natural, seamless interactions, with the option of human handover as necessary.

Make employee onboarding easier:

AppsAI HR Chatbot streamlines and quickens employee onboarding. Processes such as document submission, training, evaluations, and learning plans are automated. It cleverly turns the time-consuming onboarding procedure into a self-service task. Furthermore, it automatically answers all of your new workers’ policy-related and generic questions.

Auto-respond to employee queries:

The HR chatbot operates as a virtual agent for your staff, answering all their questions in real-time. It is a central repository for all policy-related knowledge and other generic data. To handle employee queries, the chatbot does not require any prior background. As a result, your staff can ask their inquiries right away and interact with the chatbot using rapid responses.

Optimize HR tickets in real-time:

When the chatbot encounters complex HR problems, it allows your employees to raise tickets, which are then immediately assigned to the appropriate agent or department. Additionally, the HR chatbot keeps your employees informed about the progress of their tickets throughout the resolution process. The AI-powered chatbot provides your staff with a simple conversational interface that works across all platforms.

HR service delivery is simplified:

Routine employee operations, such as leave management, reimbursement claims, and salary information requests, frequently necessitate the engagement of your HR executives. These processes are automated and streamlined by the AppsAI HR chatbot.
Employees can check their leave balances, apply for leaves, claim reimbursement, check the holiday calendar, learn about tax deductions, extract pay slips, and search for employees, all within the HR chatbot’s interface.
Employee offboarding:
The AI-powered chatbot helps HR professionals save time by automating the entire employee onboarding process. It allows you to perform several offboarding and leave processes simultaneously. Automation makes the process faster and safer by ensuring correct employee departures from all of your systems.


Employee engagement surveys will be interactive, straightforward, and simple to answer with an AI-driven HR chatbot. It collects feedback from your employees regularly, depending on where they are in the employee lifecycle. The AI-powered HR chatbot has a pre-built feature set that includes a dashboard, key performance indicator, customizable language, connectors, etc. Expand your customers’ experience through APPS AI.

Try out APPS AI and get a free trial for 15 days.

To know more about HR Chatbots.

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